Saturday, February 12, 2011

Coming Home

You know, when you are away --say in the hospital for a couple of weeks--it's so easy to forget those piles of laundry, unanswered mail...the piles of filing which should have been done months ago...and all you remember are the loving, smiling faces of the ones you love and your comfortable room and bed....and all of the care at the hospital seems unnecessary and a thing of the past.

that is: UNTIL you step into the laundry littered home...and find there's no place to even put your walker down on the floor, let along transverse it! And the pain pills you didn't fill, thinking, "oh they weren't really helping and I don't need this junk" suddenly at around 1 or 2:00 AM seem suddenly SO VERY necessary and you think "why oh why was I such an idiot?" and the nursing aide that you turned down now seems to be essential....OH God! What am I going to do????

And after several moments of blind panic, you drift off into a horrible pained sleep and when you awake you realize that there was One you left out of the equation. The Master Mathmetician...the one who not only knows the solution but who WROTE THE PROBLEM. So, go to it Lord, let me see what you have planned for this mess here.

1 comment:

  1. Good girl (not to sound patronising). Keep your eyes fixed on Him. xxx


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