I just got out of the hospital...following what appeared to be a diverticular bleed, which plummeted my Red Blood Cell count down to the point where they were considering a transfusion. But God is good and the bleeding sealed itself off and now my body is in the process of recuperating from that event...
Unfortunately, a slight sinus headache that I had immediately before my admission, there in an environment where I couldn't employ my usual naturopathic methods of diverting and ending such an infringement on my health, really took hold and now I'm sporting a whopping sinus infection, complete with aching teeth and fever. Already the dry asthma cough is beginning...and I know where this whole thing is heading. Honestly, I would rather get hit by a truck than by one of my famous sinus infections. I think if I have to go into the hospital and receive steroids for an asthma issue, I will just call it quits. I'm already weakened by the hip replacement surgeries this year....and then by blood loss and now...When I got home from the hospital yesterday, I had trouble getting across a room without stopping for a rest....Too eerily similar to how I was last spring...although I don't see how I could have possibly lost ALL the muscle tone I'd worked so hard at attaining last spring-fall.
Blasted weather!
We've just gone through about 2 or 3 weeks of solid damp, cold, rainfall. I can't help but think that this, combined with the heavy pollen counts, had something significant to do with it.
Sorry for the humorlessness of this post...maybe it shouldn't be published....too much of a downer...Who wants to read of someone else's misery--? We each have enough of our own. I would have normally regaled you with the experience of my colonoscopy ( okay, I would eliminate the grosser details...but there ought to be a laugh or two in there.) Or told you of my solution to the paranoia which plagues me in the hospital. Maybe another time...
...Right now, I just feel like whining....
I would like to read both of those posts you have ideas for, but I love reading these too because now I know what to pray for.
Thanks sweetie....I need some prayer right about now. Yeah...if I'm ever desperate for material I may delve into those two topics...but most likely not. Thanks for stopping in :)