Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Inexpressible Incomprehensible

I just had a conversation with a good friend of mine. He is elderly but has a sharp mind...and an IQ in the 160's. He was a scientist ("is" a scientist...still studying ...just no longer working) and I love to have the kind of conversation with him that we just had. We talked about abstract ideas of quantum physics and how that field relates to faith. And we talked about neurophysiology and how that is related to morality. It was a stimulating conversation and I could feel doors opening in my mind taking me to previously unexplored rooms (or "boxes" as he calls it) of thought and much of what we discussed will bear further consideration.

I love the way science and the higher mathematics relate to abstract ideas....Things like time reversal and different dimensions (up to 22 may exist he said, as proposed by a theory called "string theory" which is currently driving Stephen Hawking crazy as he struggles to wrap even HIS prodigious intellect around it) and how these things may imply the existence of parallel levels of reality...the implications of these ideas are far reaching...and plunge into areas of faith, education, morality, and future possibilities that right now, boggle the mind. It ALL speaks to me of the vastness of God.

There are men, men of great intelligence to be sure, who worship the mind of man (and their own in particular)...and they simply cannot get around that massive blinder that pride puts in front of them, to be able to concede to an intelligence and power greater than their own. They cannot see that all around them the universe screams the name of the one who created it...simply because they will not admit that there are things they don't know...that they can NEVER know. Things too wonderful for the mind to contain. Things which we right now, see only dimly, like in a dirty mirror ...and therefore they will reject the offer extended for them to see them "face to face." Their intelligence has become their ignorance.

And I don't understand that.
It's a box I'm not in.
Nor do I WANT to be in it.

For me, there is a thing called wonder. A thing called amazement. An understanding that there is a Being and things beyond this universe (or maybe within it in another dimension) that are incomprehensible and far too wonderful and too complex for our puny minds to grasp. That does not bring fear or despair to me...because it is okay that it is too vast. Like a small child takes comfort in the fact as he holds the hand of his father as they maneuver through Grand Central Station, that DAD KNOWS WHERE HE IS AND WHERE HE IS GOING. It's perfectly okay to that toddler that he doesn't know. Because he trusts his dad's superior intelligence and level of comprehension and skill.

And it does not anger me as it must these gentlemen. Because I'm well aware of my limitations....and that might be their one fatal blindness.

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